Thursday, February 25, 2010

Day three

One episode that represents Don Quixote's ability to find good in everything and everyone is when he lets the prisoners free, after determining that all of them were unjustly being held captive over things that are not the business for any person to judge. "Let each answer for his sins in the other is not right for honorable men to be the executioners of others, if they have no personal concern in the matter." (Pg. 184) Most of the crimes that were listed would have been a huge scandal at the time, especially since there was more of an opportunity for brown-nosing because of a lack of mobility. Yet Don Quixote takes these semi-fictional codes of chivalry to a new level by defending even these somewhat questionable characters and going so far as to say that the pimp didn't deserve to be there: "...for being a pimp alone he does not deserve to go to row in the galleys, but rather to be the admiral in charge of them. Because the pimp's trade is no ordinary trade; it must be carried out by intelligent people and it is absolutely essential to any well-ordered society..." (179)

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